Query Updates

Following on from my last post, I’ve just had a couple of days of frantically sending out more queries. Thirteen in two days, all of which were made from my desk at work.

Meh, worth it.

Out of the eight I had sent previously, three actually replied – see my last post for views on that one.. so given that alterations to queries based on actual advice was a non starter I thought time to just get on with it. Get all of them sent out and then I can stop worrying about it, safe in the knowledge that I’ve done everything I could and then carry on with the next project. All that hopefully without getting sacked for not doing any actual work.

Note – part of this has involved getting out of office replies from a couple of agents which has made me brick it each time, thinking it was an actual reply – but no.

So what else is going on.. The small ones are back at school now. I’m actually a bit disappointed as I was getting to enjoy lots of days off with mostly non tired and grouchy children. Never mind – Christmas soon..


Query Updates

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