New Blog!

Check it out.. aint it shiny..?

Actually it’s pretty sparse just now but the intention is there to build the place up a little. Put some pictures up, maybe put some plants in, or maybe a rug?

This is the second blog I’ve created, the intention to just get a voice out there and chart the journey I’m on with writing and other stuff.

So who the hell am I to be stealing your valuable reading time?

In terms of this blog I’m a writer. I write fantasy short stories and (the first of many…) novels. I’ve written one full length called Erenial about an angel sent to find out who killed the most powerful Arch Angel. That one’s out to the first bunch of Agents as we type/read and I got my very first shiny rejection a couple of weeks ago. There were mixed emotions as I read the perfectly polite “Thanks but not thanks”; resignation, disappointment but also a healthy jolt of excitement. I’m in the game I thought.

I’m in the process of mapping out (and writing cos I’m so damn impatient) my second novel about a guy who gets the weirdest job ever. I’ve also just submitted a short story about aging and I’m writing a second about rejection; both with fantasy elements included.

By day I’m a programmer for a University which is ok. In fact, its better than ok – I’m damn lucky to have the job. It’s just writing is WAY more fun.

I’m also a husband and father to an amazing family which is a hell of a ride and a blog all of its own…

So that’s pretty much it! I’ll most likely be posting stuff about the writing/agents-submission process whenever I can and of course any updates on where my current submission is up to.


New Blog!